Sunday, November 7, 2010


John Malkovich,Helen Mirren, Morgan Freeman,Brian Cox-all  have made more than enough great movie calls in their careers and i think most of us can say they are deep actors.DEEP!!as in NIIICCEEE!So, piling them in a film with our(come on he is)with one of our beloved comic action dudes-Bruce Willis.....COME ON!(been watching a lot of 'rules of engagement')- being mega curious is an understatement!

I saw. I liked. I loved. You like Bruce Willis face that always seems to have a smile etched on it, his smart arse/bad arse -line delivery style,his bald head,now add that to an action film that is tight in plot and well told imho with effects in fight or flight that are 'wow' but not over the believable,you got all that then add hilariously psycho John Malcovich-yes-hilarious,a bad ass presence of Morgan freeman,and a sexy,wise,disturbing Helen Mirren-that woman looks so GReat with guns.She may be over 60 but she is bloody!it was nice to watch her being so slap-stick. and Brian Cox for good measure-the British actor that gets the job done in any film ensamble,yes i said it-ANY.

So, come on!!!action with meaty plotlines+tasteful special effects+classy actors+comedy+drama.

curiosity didnt kill this cat!
i repeat -loved it!!

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